I’d like to add that I’m using the Swedish keyboard and the crtl + z did not work when making the object small again, but the button over Å works to make it smaller. I also got a reply from who said the following: Thanks, I forgot that testingcheats doesn’t have “enabled” as part of the command anymore - I use Plasticbox’s shortcuts so I haven’t typed it out in ages! I use a nordic keyboard and that’s… not how it works for me? i just need to turn MOO on, not testingcheats on (the enabled part is not even necessary/functional in sims 4), and then use ctrl å to enlarge and ctrl ´ (yes that weird apostrophe thing) to make smaller. Before you can start enabling cheats in The Sims 4, you’ll need to open the cheat console following the simple rules below: The Sims 4 PC cheats: Hold.

To undo (make smaller again), use ctrl + z. How to enable The Sims 4 free build cheat.

Select the object you want to resize, and then use shift + Å. It could be! According to that thread I posted, with a Nordic keyboard, you have to turn on testing cheats (ctrl + Shift + C to bring up the cheat console, then type “testingcheatsenabled on”).