Some of these swords are not only rare but very powerful. It should make chopping through giant monsters a breeze when you have the right steel or silver sword equipped. However, Caerme is very similar to the mourner only dealing a little less damage and you can get it in any dificulty level. Mourner- has the second highest damage with 52-60 but you can only get it playing on dark mode. We decided to refresh the list with some more great selections. Dancer- has highest damage with 55-62 but you can only get it on Roche's path. If you haven't played in a while, or you're looking for a way to diversify your latest playthrough, consider checking out some of these rare swords. Updated by Madison Lennon on Ap: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt remains an incredibly popular roleplaying game across multiple platforms. GosuNoob compiled an excellent guide to the best weapons and armor in the game we narrowed it down to the top swords specifically for you. You'd be surprised how much of a difference it can make in combat to have the best of the best.

Geralt always needs a steel and silver sword on hand to kill the monsters he comes across. Related: The Witcher 3: 10 Best Contracts Ranked It's fun to discover how much you can grow as a player and character when you fully immerse yourself in the world and try to do your diligence to track down the rarest and most legendary of swords.

Part of the fun of playing an epic and lengthy game like The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is finding the very best armor and weapons.